

Hey there! I’m Abby.

I've been diving deep into the world of massage therapy for a solid 15 years now. It's been quite the journey, let me tell you. Through years of practice, I've become a seasoned professional, blending both the art and science of massage to bring a whole lot of goodness to the massage table.

Let's talk about experience and expertise. I've really fine-tuned my skills in various specialized modalities over the years. Deep tissue massage? Check. Injury/Sports massage? You betcha. I've got these down to a science, ensuring that when clients hop off the table, they're feeling like a weight's been lifted off their shoulders. Oh, and Active Release Technique (ART)? It's like precision therapy for those soft tissue injuries and restrictions.

When it comes to my approach, it's all about the client. Seriously, it's your time, your session, your needs. I'm here to tailor each experience to fit what you're looking for. Chronic pain relief? Let's tackle it. Athletic performance enhancement? Consider it done. Need some good old relaxation and rejuvenation? I've got you covered.

And hey, speaking of inclusivity, let's chat about LGBTQIA+ allyship. This is something I hold near and dear to my heart. Everyone deserves a safe and welcoming space, no matter who they are or who they love. So yeah, my practice is all about inclusivity and respect. Come as you are, because here, you're celebrated.

So, if you're ready to kick those knots to the curb or just unwind in a judgment-free zone, I'm here for you. Let's make some massage magic happen!